Call of Opportunity to work at the Franco-Chilean Laboratory for Astronomy, in Chile

Date d’ouverture des dépôts
Date limite des dépôts

This Call of Opportunity includes the possibility to apply to two different Calls to work at the Franco-Chilean Laboratory for Astronomy (FCLA) in Chile:

  • C1: A first Call for up to two long-term positions for a start in/after January 2022. These positions are open for a minimum stay of 1 year, and up to 3 years.
  • C2: A second and independent Call for shorter-term visits (of several months to less than 1 year) to work and collaborate with FCLA researchers.  

Franco Chilean Laboratory for Astronomy1 : The FCLA Lab was funded in 2012 with the “National Center for Scientific Research” (CNRS) in France, the Universidad de Chile (UChile), the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (PUC), and the Universidad de Concepción (UdeC) with the goal to promote and forge fruitful long-term collaborations between France and Chile in the field of Astronomy. This joint venture Laboratory was recently renewed in the context of the 80 years anniversary of CNRS in 2019 in Santiago in the rich perspective of the growing and prolific Chilean astronomical community, and the development of ambitious and major astronomical facilities in Chile (Vera Rubin Observatory, CTA, GMT, ELT) in the upcoming decade. More than ever, Chile has become a major international center for ground-based astronomy. Given the strong scientific and human connection between France and Chile for several decades, the Lab plays a central role to nurture this collaborative endeavour between both countries.

Fields of Research: Over the years, the Lab has contributed to the development of important key projects in the field of modern astronomy including the study of stellar formation, planetary formation and evolution, exoplanets, and the death of stars. The FCLA researchers in partnership with local astronomers are able to use a versatile set of optical/near-infrared and radio-millimetric instrumentations of Observatories in Chile (ESO, ALMA, Gemini, Magellan), dedicated numerical codes and computing resources, to achieve breakthrough results including stunning images and modelling of young protoplanetary disks with ALMA, the characterization of young exoplanets, or the complex modelling of supernovae explosions. 

FCLA members and support: In addition to the professors and students of the three Chilean universities, the Lab counts on the presence of four permanent French FCLA Researchers (provided through the C1 or C2 calls), and on the existence of a short term (< 1 month) visiting program to promote and support French and Chilean students and researchers for shorter term stays and internships. Up to a maximum of 4 French FCLA researchers can be based in Chile at any given time. They must be based at the Department of Astronomy of the Universidad de Chile, the Universidad de Concepcion or at the Institute of Astrophysics of Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. Research funds are available for each French FCLA Researcher who will keep their European affiliation to apply to ESO/ALMA telescope time. 

Conditions for joining the FCLA: Applicants must hold a permanent position in France, either CNRS, Observatories, or Universities. The successful applicants must be transferred to the FCLA Lab in Chile by their respective employers. Candidates must inquire to their home institution about the feasibility and applicable conditions for the transfer before applying to the positions. 

Applications: The main mission of the FCLA is to foster long-lasting collaborations between Chile and France. French FCLA members are therefore requested to actively develop new collaborations and maintain existing ones. Visits and exchanges between Chile and France are also strongly encouraged. Both C1 and C2 applications must be prepared together with a Chilean researcher of one of the three Chilean universities of FCLA. Application forms should include a joined research statement, a plan for on-going and foreseen research collaborations in Chile, and brief CVs . C1 and C2 applications must be  submitted on behalf of the candidate and of the hosting researcher. Applications to go to any of the three member Universities of the FCLA will be considered. Applications from all fields of investigations in astronomy are welcomed (not only the ones described in Fields or Research). 

Information about Astronomy at the three Universities can be found here:

The initial deadline for application is set to September 15th, 2021 and evaluation will start immediately after. Both C1 and C2 applications will be received until the positions are filled. Applications should be sent to CNRS/INSU (Attn Guy Perrin,

For more information please contact  Felipe Barrientos, Director of FCLA (, Gaël Chauvin, Deputy Director of FCLA ( or Guy Perrin, head of astronomy division at INSU/CNRS ( We strongly encourage initial contacts before applying.

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